Saturday 31 July 2010

Time to move on

Yesterday Paul and I incinerated all of my Mum’s paperwork. All the bills, all the bank statements, all the receipts and all the hospital letters. It’s all gone.

And I don’t feel guilty. I actually feel a huge sense of relief.

I think even when you think that it doesn’t bother you hanging on to that stuff, it actually festers away in your subconscious. It eats away at you without you realising and it’s only when it’s gone that you see just how much it was eating away at you.

My Mum was not her paperwork.

Today it feels like there’s so much more space in my head to deal with other things.

So right now, this very second, I am listening to (I’ve Had) The Time of my Life and I feel sick and on edge and nervous and I’m crying. But I’m not running away, I’m not freaking out. I’m working through it.

I never thought I would get here.

I can honestly say that I am getting better.

Finally, I am getting better.

I will not let this steal any more of my life and my happiness. Life is too short.

It stops here. It’s time to move on.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Hayley,

    I produce a feature on the Teatime Show called "Little Cumbria" - it broadcasts Monday to Friday on BBC Radio Cumbria.

    I stumbled across your blog and found it very honest, and very moving. The idea behind Little Cumbria is so people can tell the stories of their life to a wider audience.

    I would love to record a few of your blog entries and play them out on air if you are interested?

    You can hear the feature on our iPlayer

    at 45mins 38 seconds...

    Let me know if you are interested...

    You can reach me at or phone 01228 592444 and ask for me on extension 34

    All the best,

