Thursday 16 December 2010

New wardrobe, New attitude

We finally got our wardrobe delivered on Tuesday so today I've been unpacking boxes again. It's great to finally start clearing our spare room of boxes and to be able to put things away.

I've loved unpacking my clothes and hanging them up. There aren't as many clothes as before as when packing to move house I got rid of all my fat clothes (clothes I kept in case I ever gained weight again but never have done) and all my thin clothes (clothes I'm supposedly slimming into but even if I did lose weight I knew I would never wear these clothes again anyway) and only kept the clothes that fit me. It's a great feeling to be hanging up clothes and knowing that every single item fits me.

I've never had so few clothes but I've also never had a wardrobe where everything in it fits me. So in many respects I do have more clothes than before because I can actually wear everything I own. It made me feel quite liberated and I feel good about myself today.


  1. I should so do that with my thin clothes. But then again, 2011 will be the year I get back into them. Of course they're older than my children and mainly all office wear, so maybe I should just take them to Oxfam

  2. I'm glad it's not just me. I feel so much better for having got rid though. I just think that if I ever manage to lose some more weight I will buy a few new things. It's so liberating to know that all my clothes fit me, I feel so much better about myself now I'm not taunted by the thin clothes or jeered at by the fat clothes! lol
