Sunday 19 September 2010

We've moved!!

Well, we've finally moved! We had most of our belongings at the house by Wednesday so we spent our first night here then. We moved the rest of our things in stages over the last couple of days. It's been hectic and exhausting but we're finally in! We handed over the keys to the apartment yesterday so now it's officially official... we have moved!

It was emotional leaving the apartment for the last time. Paul had lived there for five years. I've been there over a year and it's been such a happy place. I'll miss it because it was an amazing apartment but our new home is completely ours. No more inspections and no more rent to pay. No mortgage either. The house is entirely ours.

I keep walking around the house amazed that it belongs to us. Every single item, every single brick, every single everything about this house belongs to us.

It feels fantastic!


  1. Eep! You must be so excited! Must be an awesome feeling to be in your new house :)

  2. Hi Hayley,

    I'm Steven Greaves from BBC Radio Cumbria.

    I run a feature called Little Cumbria, which is an item that features stories from every day folk living in Cumbria.

    Your blog has been sent my way as it would work very well in the feature.

    Can you drop me an email and I can give you more information?

    Many thanks


  3. Hi Haley
    Nice to meet another of Steve's Little Cumbrians!

    I hope you are settling into your new home. We have had a few in our life together. But the one we are in is the best of all. I'll never forget the first one — home, our own home, after three years of living in a bed-sit!

  4. Nice to meet you too Gladys. We're settling in very well now, thank you. It's the first house we've owned and it feels lovely to be making it a proper home.
